Friday, January 26, 2007

мосте встречи

небольшое добавление - Время встречи - 19:00
ну все ребята я узнал насчет места встречи.. недалеко от 12 микраша на против асанбая черз дорогу... есть кафе назвается пирамида... там давольно просторное помещение и неплохая кухня... вопщемто что нам и надо.....

карта местности....
вопщем банкет бывших работников а также не бывших работников намеченый на 2 февраля состоитсмя... тута.... если есть возражающие просьба высказаться сейчас или молчать во веки викоффффф...

Friday, January 19, 2007

Собераемся 2 февраля....

нувсе ребята на 2 февраля ничего не планируем..... потому как какраз 2-го состоиться глабальная тусофка фсех кто работает работал или знает о бунексе.....
о месте проведения бедет сообщено зарание но никто не планирем ничего на этот день
2 февраля - это пятница... так что собираться будем гдето после 6 часов как все освободяться.... вопщем... готовтесь и в коментах сообщаем о местах вохможного собрания....

ну все всем покеда... ждем предложений..

Человек и горизонт

нашел расказик в нете

Один человек отправился догонять горизонт. Он взял с собой продукты
и воду и вышел рано утром. Рядом с его домом находились бесконечные
поля. Человек шел по ним до самого вечера, а с заходом солнца лег спать.
Но он ворочался без сна и все думал ,,Я считал, что горизонт где-то рядом, но никак не могу до него дойти.,, Утром, после не долгого отдыха,
Он перекусил и отправился в путь. Он шел и шел, а до цели было не добраться. Так продолжалось несколько дней. Человек похудел и страдал от жажды, но продолжал догонять горизонт. Наконец он дошел до моря.
Но человек не умел плавать и построил дом на берегу. Вечером он любовался заходящим солнцем и горизонтом, мечтая добраться до него.

так и все мы идя по жизни иногда стремимся найти чтото далекое поймать и удержать мечту незамечая что все что нам надо и так у нас уже есть и что нужно только протенуть руку.

Thursday, January 18, 2007

пара цитат - меня улыбнуло

- Ошибок не совершает только тот, кто ничего не делает.

- В умелых руках и хуй балалайка.

- Разница между мужчиной и маленьким мальчиком - в стоимости их игрушек.

- Не бойтесь врагов -в худшем случае они Вас убьют. Не бойтесь друзей - в худшем случае они Вас предадут. Бойтесь равнодушных - с их молчаливого согласия появляются убийства и предательства!

- Если долго сидеть на берегу реки, то можно увидеть как по ней проплывает труп твоего врага. (С) Сунь-Цзы “Искусство войны”.

Если ты легко и просто выбил двери головой, значит ты тупой и толстый, а не сильный и крутой.
народ а теперь для support'a по русски моно :) ;)

Публикую своё письмо "Оле Звездинской" и её ответ )))

Когда я увидел на новоиспечённую "Ольгу Звездинскую", я просто не мог удержаться от того чтобы постебаться :) Вот что из этого получилось:

Оля? Рад познакомиться :)

Здравствуйте, Оля :)

Очень рад с Вами наконец познакомиться, отрадно что мы, хоть и в разное время, но работали в одной компании. Все "старейшие" работники BoonEx'а (ранее AEWebWorks), у кого я только не спрашивал, даже те, кто сейчас там не работает - ОЧЕНЬ ХОРОШО ВАС ПОМНЯТ, все, все очень положительного мнения о Вас, с теплотой вспоминают те месяцы общения с Вами, когда Вы работали в AEWebWorks.

Вы знаете, я даже уверен, то до сих пор в кабинетах работников Бунекса висят на стенах и стоят на столах Ваши фотографии, а Ваш e-mail адрес - обязательно в адресных книгах.
Также я спрашивал мнение следующих людей о Вас (всё-таки ICQ - великое изобретение! мне жаль что рядовые работники Бунекса сейчас в неведении о её существовании): Belashov Alexey, Voronin Sergey, Kuznetsov Vladimir. Они, хоть и не разделяют Вашего мнения о них, но всё же тоже Вас очень хорошо помнят. Помнят просто как человека, как Олечку Звездинскую (правда они часто за глаза переделывали Вашу фамилию в рифму, но это уже не важно). И они конечно же сразу узнали Ваш ласковый взгляд на фотографии на сайте

Я очень рад наконец с Вами познакомиться и надеюсь, что, хоть и по письмам, но всё же уловлю Вашу индивидуальность, те черты личности, которые присущи Вам и только Вам, ТОЙ САМОЙ Ольге Звездинской, о которую все в Бунексе всегда так много вспоминали.

С уважением,
Даниил Вартанов

Вот так прям и послал, вместе с фотографией :)
Её ответ:

Re: Оля? Рад познакомиться :)

Подобное к подобному.
Мне с Вами говорить не о чем. Когда-то Вас, маленького мальчика, взяли на работу в Бунекс.
Теперь Вас там нет. И Вас для нас нет.


Ваши каменты, господа :)

FEBRUARY 2 - reporting meeting

I propose to gather and arrange something like a reporting meeting.

There are gonna be some rules for the meeting but the main thing is to let to know about your achievements and collapses for the last mohth (January) !!! Please leave your comment with your opinion about this campaign!!!

P.S Everyone is going dutch.

4 the Jazz Lovers!!!

Every tuesday they play jazz in PromZona, so if enyone has some feelings to spend some special evening in the close and warm company please feel free to leave comment here!!!

P.S. Jazz is a sorta unusual kind of music, people just have a sit and catsching pleasure. Nothing like rave or something like that, just listening to the saxophone and relaxin'.

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

interesting "fun" stone

hey check this out - I've found this in Google.

you can make some funny stuff

have fun

Dolce Vita - January 5

поначалу все было мирненько а потом народ подвыпил и понеслась.


(девченки и парнишки зажигають)

(ну а тут тока парнишки)

Да-а-а-а-а-а а это бабло что собирали всем миром -
ходят слухи что даже официантов заставили скинуться.

Вопщем класно отдахнули!

Monday, January 15, 2007

Saturday, January 13, 2007

Job offer for ex-supporters

Hey, ex-supporters, I occasionally found this. May be you will be interested in.

P.S. Как в промзоне попрыгали? ;)

Thursday, January 11, 2007

My vse zdes'! :)

Galkina vam???? ne vopros! :) Naskolko mne izvestno on uje zdes' :)

Mlin, narod, plizzzzzz, zapolnite svoi profaily!!! Ya, naskolko horosho vas vseh znayu i to uje putayus' kto est' kto. Ot kogo vy pryachetes'????? Kogo boites'?

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

How to take part in Dolphin development?

Господа программеры, дизайнеры и тестеры, может поможем бунексу выбраться из помойной ямы, приняв участие в разработке дельфина. Кто на что горазд?

Вот был бы здесь Андрюха Галкин, он бы не отказался пару пейментов заинтегрить старым знакомым :)

Our Profiles

Hey, Ex-BoonExers!!! Would you be so kind to fill out your profiles, pleaseeeee! :) I hope you all know how!

Do you want to be recognized by others?

Tuesday, January 9, 2007

compare boonex and this.....

this is the video about #1 company in US
to Work For 2007

that company as a BoonEX at the beginning - HOME for people.

just see video (will take much traffic)

here is the blog - text

Fortune's "100 Best Companies to Work For" places Google in front of the pack. The company offers free food, massages, yoga classes, volleyball courts, pools, babysitting, haircuts - everything to make you feel good and able to work hard. "Work is such a cozy place that it's sometimes difficult for Google employees to leave the office, which is precisely how the company justifies the expenses, none of which it breaks out of its administrative costs."

Sunday, January 7, 2007

BoonEx WAS a second family

It was a relly happy period of my life - being part of THAT boonex, where every person was a real teammate - not just "co-worker". All of us "blew up our asses" for BoonEx, because we knew: the better for BoonEx - the better for us, because we ARE the BoonEx.
I could not understand how people could leave the office right after end of working day. Nobody paid us for overtimes - BoonEx was our second familiy and it was enough to give all our might (hey! it was boonex! how could we contribute less?!).
All of us did more than we have to do formally. I remember, several times I was in office two shifts in a row (24 hours!!). Just to satisfy BoonEx's customers. Nobody asked us to do an extra job, we did it just "for idea".

Hey guys, do you remember our New Year 2006 celebration?! Do you remember our unexpected party when light turned off in office? :))) I think I will never forget it. I am sure, no other company in the world had such work collective, no other company had employees, who were SO MUCH HAPPY and PROUD of working in the team.

I wonder, how and why such small place as BoonEx collected so many great personalities. I join my friends and say big THANK YOU, BoonEx, for my friends I met there and for big part of my life, when I had a united family called "BoonEx".

Episode two: team raider.

That atmosphere was destroyed during dramatically short period of time - two or three months were enough to vanish almost all what we call now "that boonex". They tried to get economical benefit from installing prison-like atmosphere in office, but they loose any motivation of employees, and they are loosing money so far because of setting up unbearable atmosphere in the team.

No no, when I say "they did it", I want to believe that it was "she", not "they"! Andrey is a great guy and I will shake his hand whenever I meet him . He is outstanding businessmen and a very clever guy. I talked to him many times, and everything I write here - I told him. Many of us warned him that team is coming to ruin, that employees are loosing reason to work with all their might, we tried to tell him "STOP HER! PLEASE, ANDREY, STOP HER!". And all we have now - is this blog... no more BoonEx family.

Just for myself I realized, that from business's point of view having such atmoshere that we had in boonex is much more profitable. Some time I'll write a small article where I'll share my cynical capitalistic thoughts about having emplyees, which identify themselves with your company and do everything for it.

P.S. Just before my leaving BoonEx for own business, I found this beautiful picture on BoonEx's corporate server:

meaningful, isn't it? ;)

Saturday, January 6, 2007

Just BIG "thank you"

You are damn right, TAlex! BoonEx became a place very close to prison for its employees. Remembering BoonEx as our home I feel... like we lost something precious... a special spirit that is not in BoonEx anymore...

Still... Thank you Artur Zotov for being my teacher every day i was in BoonEx.

Thank you BoonEx for giving me great people, which are my friends now... and thank you for Vlad :) . I admit the fact that you are really good at connecting people.. no matter by which means.

Thank you BoonEx for teaching us what we should NOT do when running the company... This is a
priceless experience we are not able to get anywhere else i guess.

Well... no matter how bad or good BoonEx was for me - I want to thank this company for just being in my life...

for making me stronger and more independent...

for giving me an opportunity to see how wrong management of a single person (probably two) can destroy the best working atmosphere I've ever seen....

and.. for letting me see all sides of the story called "from AEwebworks to BoonEx".

P.S. well.. if it's all about "thank you".... then thank you Danik :) for inviting me to this new place, which is going to become a great "tusovka" of great people from "BoonEx Home".

Trully Yours,

TAlex Story

I’ve come to Boonex on 6 of Jun - as a PC operator

It’s was real pleasure to work there for me because I worked with great people and Great managers (Tatiana Borannikova and Elena Nochevnaya ) this manages was the best people I’ve ever met in my life. These Girls are very king, polite and so on (to tell the truth all girls from boonex are the best)…… it’s hard to explain everything but in one word this girls are the BEST!

Then I’ve meet many people good , smart, kind in all departments and what is more I’ve found new friends – Thanks BOONEX for that.

For me it was pretty hard to Study and work in Boonex because 2005-2006 was my last year in KRSU University and I was working during the day and studying during the night. But I have been graduated with Honor! YES! That’s me!

This time 2005 Boonex was for me as a second home It was real pleasure to work there and to be the part of the teem that doing some Great job.

AT this time BoonEX had few departments

"fired" - meas that the person was fired or leave the service.

1) PC operators

a. Tatian Barannikova (manager) – leave

b. Elena Nochevnaya (manager) – leave

c. Dmitriy Sim – leave

d. Dmitry Lapshukov – leave

e. Voronina Olesya – fired

f. Ludmila Rigenkova

g. Maria Antonyan – leave

h. Olga Sokolova (manager) – fired

i. Olga Danichkina (manager) – leave

j. Sveta Movrojanidi – leave

k. Elena Efanova – leave

l. Budnikova Oksana – fired

m. Olesya Chernogubova – leave

n. Polina Kotkalo– leave

o. Sergey Frolov – leave

p. Igor lebedev

r. Sergey Klushkov - leave


a. Erneyev Vladialav – leave

b. Dmitriy Borovkov – leave

c. Alexey Belashow – Krasavcheg

d. Alexey Dyachenko – fired

e. Anton Lesnikov

f. Vartanov Danil - leave

3) Developers

a. Vlad Shubin (manager) – leave

b. Dima Tyan

c. Andrey Galkin – fired

d. Denis Chernytiev –leave

e. Vova Kuznecov – fired

f. Artur Sharipov– leave

g. Dima Sherbakov– leave

h. Trunov Victor - boot licker - now manager

4) Directors

a. Alexander Trofimov

b. Julia S.

c. Andrey Sivtsov

5) Sales and marketing

a. Sergey Voronin – fired

b. Vlad Kulamov - fired

c. Uliana Kumenova – leave

d. Zotov Artur (manger) – leave

(That’s crazy but after completing the list I understood that almost all who was in the company when I came – now is out - 26 people and there was much more CRAZY )

But the main pleasure as I understand now – When Directors (Andrey Sivtsov and Julia S.) were in Australia – they were there and people were working and it was great!

Great times! Sweet Times

In November 2005 – I was promoter to be Marketing Specialist!

That was really interesting and I have known all about online marketing and SEO (Now I’m working as a SEO specialist in another company)

In the Department I have find new friends
Sergey Voronin

Vlad Kulamov

Uliana Kumenova

And Find a teacher - my manager Zotov Artur (he is great in online marketing and SEO but does not tell much about Online secrets ;)

Working in marketing department was great and fun but them “Andrey Sivtsov and Julia S.” get back from Australia and promoted me to be a Support specialist – to answer on forum posts (first in Aedating forum then in Boonex forum next in Expertz forum). LOL! I can call myself as a Lord of the Forum! Haha J

I was working in Boonex as Support specialist till I was fired.

I was a Support team leader – was a support Supervisor – but one day I’ve made a mistake and I was fired. OK no problem! It’s pleasure to be out of BoonEX.

You may ask me “what mistake have you done ?” – But I do not wanna talk about it – if you would like to know about it just ask in comments and I’ll reply.

Actually I want to say THANK YOU BOONEX! That I know so many people that were working in the company – I have met so many friends. Hey Guys!(not boonex) I love you all!

For me Boonex was

1 – it was my home

2- then it was a factory

3- then it was a community

4 – then it became a prison. (It’s just my opinion)

It’s a pity that the good ideas have ugly faces!

And the rest I want to say that I’m happy that I have friends from boonex

So BoonEx Thanks!

Super - Best

this is super Idea and I like it - OH NO I LOVE it !!!!
Now All people can be in touch here!

We started to share!

Yesterday we (former emplyees of boonex) decided to create this blog. Here we share, our thoughts, memoirs, success or fail.